Hi guys, I’ve been away finishing up my postgrad in Writing & Literature, but I am back! To get back into it, I wanted to share something I made for one of my units this past trimester. The class was called Transgressive Acts in Art, Cinema, Performance. We explored a lot of interesting subjects from blasphemy to explicit language in music and many things in-between. We had an assignment to create/propose our own transgressive work of art. Obviously, I chose the medium of dance and chose to explore the ideas of obscenity and pornography.
Without further ado, I present: Feetish
So I hate feet. Always have. Always will. I thought something that would be interesting would be to explore something so polarising. Obscenity involves anything that disgusts or makes the audience uncomfortable. If you have a foot phobia, or even just a general dislike of feet, this work is aimed to disgust you. If however, you’re on the opposite end of the spectrum and have more of a foot fetish, then this work might come across as more pornographic. We also discussed in this class the inherently sexual nature of food. That’s why I wanted to incorporate the use of syrup in this piece. There’s this intuitive nature when it comes to feet and food that they should not interact. The mixture of the two definitely qualifies Feetish as obscene and a little repulsive.
The unit definitely challenged me and forced me to consider ways in which I filter my work for my intended audience. This is just a taste of what’s to come. I can’t tell you more right now, but give it another two weeks and I will have big news for you all. Until then, hang tight.